Weekly boss - Naruto Kyubi
Naruto kyubi is here for 24 hours event, he will be available in A-rank and S-rank.
Jutsu effective
火遁 = fire
木遁 = mokuton (wood)
Jutsu not effective
水遁 = water
土遁 = earth
風遁 = wind
固有 = unique technique
秘伝 = secret technique
白眼 = byakugan
This character have the strongest fire & mokuton jutsu in this game.
Recomended Support
Tsunade as leader will give your team hp up 5% every turn.
Jiraiya, his second jutsu give your team atk 50% up.
Karin, her socond jutsu give your team speed 30% up.
Recomended team
A team with all max level is better.
But, with these team I just can clear A-rank.
And every character must have full of equiptment